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Due to excessive demand: I am temporarily unable to consider new web design projects.
Hosting Upgrade on all accounts

Extra storage space on all accounts

We've just boosted the storage space on all hosting accounts. If you are already a client, this change has already been activated on your account.  The pricing plans for hosting have also been updated to reflect these changes. The changes…

Wordpress Maintenance Service

WordPress maintenance & updates

We offer a Wordpress maintenance service where we will schedule security and functionality updates for your Wordpress website, keeping it up to date. Your Wordpress website is built on Wordpress (of course), a custom theme that defines the front-end look…

New website for PRIMEagri

Website: PRIMEagri

I recently helped create the new website design for PRIMEagri, a company based in Norfolk that offers products to livestock producers. The client's requirement was to build a website which would showcase a selection of livestock products that they offer…

Wordpress Website Clay Interiors

Website: Clay Interiors

A new website design has been launched for Clay Interiors over in Beccles, Suffolk. Clay Interiors contacted me to ask if I could get involved in a re-design which would allow them to easily add and edit products to display…

Wordpress website for Howlett Garage Doors

Website: Howlett Garage Doors

Howlett Garage Doors were forced to have a new website designed as their previous host of 15 years decided to retire their website page builder application. Initially the priority was to put up a temporary landing page so there was…

G Suite
Office 365


282 Heigham Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4LZ


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