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How to setup your email on Windows Mail

This post will help guide you through the installation of your email address onto the Windows Mail app.

When you first load up Windows Mail it may prompt you to add an email account but if not follow the instructions below to add a new account.

Select Accounts > + Add account > Advanced set-up

You’ll then be asked to select either Exchange ActiveSync or Internet email.  Select Internet email.

On the next screen you’ll proceed to enter all your key account details.  Check out the screenshot and we’ll discuss each section in detail below.

Account name – Simply used to identify this account within the Windows Mail application. More useful if you plan to use multiple email accounts with Windows Mail.

Your name – This will be shown as the sender, so enter your name or business name.

Incoming mail server – This needs to be

Account type – You can choose between POP3 or IMAP.  IMAP is recommended but both formats have their advantages.  Generally speaking POP3 will download and store your emails on your device whereas with IMAP you’ll always see a live view of the emails stored on the server. This website gives a great overview of each.

Email address – This is your email address which we’ve setup for you on the server.

Username – This your email address as well, so use this.

Password – Enter your password here, taking care to enter it correctly, more so on smaller devices where errors can accidentally be made.

Outgoing (SMTP) email server – This also needs to be

Outgoing server requires authentication – Needs to be selected.  If you don’t authenticate you cannot send emails.

Use the same username and password for sending email – Needs to be selected.

Require SSL for incoming and outgoing email – This is essential and important for the security of your email account.  If you try to connect unsecured you will run into problems.

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